Adobe will end-of-life Flash by 2020, and all big Browsers are joining this by disabling Flash features slowly

Let's make a petition to end-of-life Electron, it is basically Flash for Desktops and it is A RESOURCE-HUNGRY LAZINESS-PROMOTING PIECE OF SHIT THAT SHOULD IMMEDIATELY BE REMOVED FROM THIS VERY PLAnet.. what do you think about that particular idea?


  • 10
    Shouldn't your be targeting the problem and not a product born from it?

    Electron isn't a bad idea but is used in stupid situations which is not it's fault.
  • 1
    @nblackburn Can you give an example when a desktop web app is preferred more than a native app?
  • 7
    @CoffeeAndHate It's not a matter of which is better because there is no argument there, it makes building desktop applications accessible to people and i don't consider that to be a bad thing.
  • 5
    That goes into the "LAZINESS-PROMOTING" part that SupraMK4 mentioned. It's too accessible for everyone, so every frontend developer with no experience for native apps can build something memory unfriendly with ease.
  • 3
    @CoffeeAndHate Assuming everyone is lazy is a bit short sighted, there are some good electron apps.
  • 2
    I didn't even said the word "shit" , nor that I assumed that everyone is like that. Not in this rant at least.

    I'm sure that any electron app that might be good, could have been better if it was built on the os native language. Less storage, less memory consumption. The only advantage of electron apps is that they look good. Because you have almost no limitations when it comes to html and css.
  • 1
    @CoffeeAndHate It would be better but that is not the case nor is it the only saving grace of Electron as it makes cross-platform simple too.
  • 4
    @CoffeeAndHate Google Play Music Desktop Player. Google will never release stand-alone app, as it wants you to use it inside Chrome. But thanks to Electron we have gpmdp which is awesome. Also desktop apps for things like Instagram.
  • 3
    @afrometal OK, point taken. I guess hacking and prototyping wrapper apps are fine.
    But still believe that other full featured apps are stupid and electron or other similar platforms should not be the first go-to.
  • 6
    VS Code seems quite decent and according to this https://stackoverflow.com/questions... it's based on Electron
  • 1
    Haven't tried vs code, but I tried atom once and uninstalled after 10 minutes because of its performance.
  • 5
    @CoffeeAndHate VS code is what Atom should have been
  • 0
    Just half an hour ago, vs code took around 500-600mb of memory..
  • 4
    cli-only software 2020!
  • 5
    The Electron main problem is called Hungry Chrominium
  • 3
    There's a WIP project called electrino that aims to replicate electron's api but using the host OS's built-in webview when possible. On MacOS, at least, we're talking 200MB vs 20KB for a basic hello world app. Might be worth continuing development...
  • 1
    @edensg And on windows is it going to use IE's native webview?
  • 0
    @softban And the prize for the dumbest idea goes too....
  • 1
    Maybe you had tried atom in 2015
    It had travelled a long way since then. Even I uninstalled it due to buggy behaviour. Now, half of my day is spent on it
  • 0
    @CoffeeAndHate no idea tbh...
  • 4
    You can't really hate a platform that is meant to improve accessibility because some people abused it and made some stupid pieces of work.

    That's like hating people because some people are criminals.

    The platform has potential and if used right, is a great tool. That won't really change, even if an idiot is using it.

    Let's stop blaming tools and start blaming people, please.
  • 1
    Unlike flash electron is open source so you could contribute to the project and help improve performance
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