What the fuck is going on with atom in my desktop?!!?!?
Everytime I open it it starts comparing every single file on my pc with my github. It starts using 99% of my memory and fuck is it frustrating. I decided to just learn vim, which is cool, although I still miss managing windows with the mouse, and probably will try VS sometime in the future. I really wanted to like atom but I can't stand how slow it is compared to vim right now, even when the github shit doesn't happen.

  • 7
    you should really give vs code a shot
  • 0
    @BindView Exactly. Blow atom away and take VSCode (I prefer the insider builds, currently 1.16).
  • 2
    I abandoned Atom, and use VSC now. It's a much better product. I love the fact that it recognizes files with a .ddl extension as a SQL file without any plug-ins or tweaking.
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    Are there any difference between the different VS one can download? I can download VS enterprise free from windows, but I'm not sure if there's any real difference between it and the community edition.
  • 2
    @DVZ96 You're messing things up :) It's Visual Studio code, not Visual Studio :)
    Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
    But, as said before, I prefer the insider builds: https://code.visualstudio.com/insid...
  • 1
    @tracktraps lol. So many visual studios. Thanks for the correction :)
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    I will just leave this one here. Spacemacs is what you are looking for
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    Lol @dontbeevil
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    No more vim users here? What happened to the "real" programmers? Just a joke ;-)

    Try vim a bit and watch some thoughtbot videos about vim and editing in general. It's about speed, efficiency, health and logic.
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    @sirjofri Nothing against Vim - it's a good editor, although I prefer Nano (for the shell, small scripts, ...).

    However, times have changed. The apps and sites have become more complex and involve more languages. I can't live without Intellisense and the many other helpers integrated in modern editors.

    So why complicate your life? If it's just the handling - there are VIM emulators for almost every editor or IDE.
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    @dontbeevil Don't say anything bad about Electron. Without Electron there wouldn't be many great apps for Linux, especially vscode, atom, devrantron, slack, rambox, postman, whatsapp, pingendo, mancy, ....
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    @tracktraps I rely on vim auto complete, vim spell check, vim file jumping, vim folding, vim tags (ctags), ... and my small plugin vim-glissues (for including gitlab issues inside vim). This is why I like vim: extensibility, flexibility, stability, personal preference.
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    @sirjofri If you can cope with that and it's enough for you, there's nothing wrong with it. All I'm saying is, it doesn't hurt to go beyond the VIM's horizons.
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    @tracktraps it's not that I'm against IDEs. Sometimes it is better to use an IDE. I even tried acme from plan9. It's a great editor. All I want to say is: it depends. I think it can be pretty hard to use an editor with some languages when an IDE can do a better job. Many modern languages are built around IDEs. On the other side I miss my plain vim when using unreal engine 4 c++.

    It's not the tool, it's the artist! For example: I create my icons with metapost. Who does that, especially today? Everyone uses illustrator or other tools. I use vim and metapost. Be happy with your IDE, I just don't like that overloaded applications that need much time to start and run slow.

    Long text, I know. I just wanted to state that I'm not against IDEs and I'm not one of these "a-true-programmer-uses..." people.
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