
About to install a new linux distro.

Re-checking if I am about to format the right partition for 25+ times.

I really hope I won't fuck this up.

  • 2
    Good luck have fun!
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    which distro @linuxxx ??
  • 6
    @KidLaser Solus OS. Arch :)
  • 0
    I'm literally rebooting into Fedora right now to check if it shows the same partitions as Arch xD
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    Why do you want to reinstall the OS so much?

    As long as all my apps work and continue working, I have better things to do?
  • 7
    Oh, you reminded me to post a rant regarding my drunken linux installations.
  • 7
    @billgates Because I love trying out new distro's!
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    @linuxxx what's so different? All ones I've tried the only difference I've noticed were the UI (Gnome, KDE, Ubuntu?, Shell)
  • 6
    @billgates I want to give Arch another shot :). But, for now I've got another priority as my phone is not charging anymore.
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    @linuxxx turn it off or buy a new cable...

    Happens to me after awhile if the USB port or cable gets weaker over time
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    @billgates Nah it's actually the input itself. So looking for a new phone as we speak :P (tried about 5 cables and it's still not charging grrrr)
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    @linuxxx o yes that too... That's what made me buy my current phone 3yrs ago
  • 2
    Distro hopping is fun. 😸
    I now use elementary.io
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    @linuxxx Could be dust. I was in a computer shop a few weeks ago and a guy came in with an iPhone that wouldn't charge. The worker cleaned it in a minute or so (used tweezers, but a toothpick might work)
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    @PaddiM8 Actually looking at the Maze Alpha right now!
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    Which Linux distro would you guys recommend for a first timer?
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    antergos was a little more out-of-the-box, but for arch i think it's wonderful
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    @hookless123 ubuntu usually comes with pretty menus and is one of the easier o es to install
    (i'd suggest xubuntu for performance, or kubuntu for features and customizarion.) usually has some sort of "Install alongside" feature for multiple Operating systems

    I like arch because of the community, and the terminal just feels more... managable. Antergos is a really good arch-based distro with a very easy to understand installer. if you're dual booting, and you don't feel comfortable messing with partitions, this may not be for you.
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    @ParkCity thanks for your response! Cool, I’ll check them out after my finals in 2 weeks. I’m probably going to run a VM since I use macOS mainly.
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    @hookless123 smart idea
    i've nearly trashed my windows partition because i simply hadn't tried a distro out in a VM first
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    @linuxxx clean the port with a toothpick!
  • 0
    @linuxxx put some 95-100% alcohol with some old toothbrush on that port :)
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