
This rant just fucked up devRant unofficial for Windows 10.
It causes a JSON syntax error in the API response. 🤣

Thanks @kwilliams! 😁

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    This is the string parsed by devRant as a URL.
    I think it's a real bug here on devRant... @dfox
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    @JS96 The app seems to work again, since the said rant won't appear at app start up. Still, don't try to scroll down, it will load and the error will occur again... :-/
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    @Qaldim anyway I'm working on a hot fix 😉
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    @JS96 I don't think I can thank you too many times for the effort you make to make the app better! 😃
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    Bug hunting on production!
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    @JS96 good find and thanks for reporting! I responded to your email.

    Short summary is there's definitely an issue with how the link is parsed (unfortunately we've had a few of those haha) but I don't think there's a JSON syntax error.

    I'll work on fixing the link parsing asap.
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    Ok, this is the situation:

    The JSON syntax error is caused by a .NET class part of .NET Framework I used to parse the JSON response.
    A problem which occured only in this particular case.
    The native JSON response it's ok (so it's not fault of @dfox), except that url parsing problem, but no syntax errors.

    I found the bug and already sent an update (v1.5.5.0) to certification.
    It will be available soon in the store.
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    @JS96 thanks for explanation and great find!

    It still is our fault on the link parsing, I'm trying to adjust the regex but not sure exactly what is wrong yet. I'll let you know when I figure it out. Sorry about that!
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    That feeling when you break all the things.
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    With all due respect for finding this I personally think it should have been passed to dfox and co before it was posted publicly!
    Nice find though... Power to the masses x
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    @Jellyg00se after analyzing a few things, I found (thanks to dfox that I contacted privately earlier), that it's a problem only releated to my client, "devRant unofficial" for Windows 10.
    The syntax error is "generated" by a class I used to parse the JSON response.

    So it's not a "vulnerability" of devRant, it's a vulnerability (if we want to call it in this way, but it just make the app doesn't work) of my client. 😅
    The update which fixes this will be available in a few hours on Microsoft Store.

    In the same time, I found a real "bug" on devRant (the URL parser), which is not critical, so it's all ok. 😉
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    @JS96 Hey it wasn't a flame.. and fair play to you for contacting @dfox privately to assertain the issue :) please don't think my previous comment was a flame.
    Yet it was only a suggestion which you also suggested that you did, what I perceive as being the right thing so thanks @JS96
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