
For every developer, who lives a nocturnal life.. the toughest job is baby sitting for a week..
At least for me.. Already missing the 3 AM idea cracks and coding..
Waking up at 6am is not my cup of tea and getting the kids ready for school.. I would rather prefer to work all night...
Another 3 days to go...

  • 3
    Try having a 2yo šŸ˜“
  • 2
    @Ashkin that will out past the load one experience in pushing a code on Friday and Prod going down...
    Handling 2yo for me will be equivalent to stackoverflow going down.. In both cases, I will be dumb enough to not know what to do next..
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    @Nbfour don't say so.. šŸ˜±šŸ˜Ø
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    @github I think he's reading the bib?
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    @QueenMorgana sorry.. didn't get you
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    @github the child's bib is the thing around its neck to protect clothes from falling food.

    I think @nbfour was reading "end" to mean the child is ended after either being fed for played with..

    Not certain, though
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    @QueenMorgana oh.. got it.. @Nbfour is that what u meant? Following the pseudo code strictly..
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    @SoulSkrix no one knows what happens inside FeedMe() and PlayWithMe()
    Never underestimate the black box methods....
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    Yay for Ruby! Or is it Crystal? Wait, wtf are those semicolons doing there?
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    @SoulSkrix Depends.. loops can make things miserable too.. specially the nested ones.. ;)
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