
Our team recently migrated to git but management does not want us to create branches.

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  • 4
    Good luck using git without branches!
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    @lo98be maybe they fail on their first git merge and never look back again.
  • 4
    Oh my God, it's a new tool! Ofc you need to "get used" to that! Sometimes you mess up it's fucking normal! And by cleaning it up you become more experienced! And then when an awful shit comes up you can deal with that using your past experience
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    *blinks* .... what?
  • 10
    Gotta love it when non technical people make technical decisions ...

    The job market is pretty good right now, you don't have to work with/for retards.
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    I had this at my old place, so dumb!
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    Its fine if you dont forget to heal your wound
  • 4
    I respect that management has made a decision.
    But considering it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
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    This heavily insults me. My heart is broken :/
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    Go gitlab, its fancy and have stats. Then tell them you dont create branches just merge requests
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    Tell your management, they're not allowed to use Excel then.

    In fact, that would still be a really good deal, if it works :-)
  • 6
    @ddephor They can use excel, but only one cell.
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    Branches are for gardeners. Where I'm from we consider ourselves masters of origin. One life, one opportunity, one server and one push to rule them all.
    Echo "*" >> .gitignore
    Git commit -am ""
    Git push
    Sudo rm -rf /
    /over and out
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    Yo let's commit on production, everything is a hot fix
  • 2
    Management typically doesn't agree with anything they know nothing about. Just branch and say you didn't get the memo.
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    @bighead brilliant
  • 1
    Better git with no branches than no git
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