45 hrs to reinstall Mac OS!!

thanks, but no thanks!

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    Strange..I did install capitan on Yosemite for couple of macbook pros.. Didn't take more than 20 -25 mins..
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    turns out mac screwed up with estimation, but I think it did take more then 3 hrs
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    Online installation? Yea it takes waaay too long to install.. you could have downloaded thru App Store and made bootable disk.. It hardly takes an 1 hr
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    Was helping out a friend to reinstall. I had no idea it would take this long. Never owned a mac!
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    @creativezombie even 3 hours is long. I don't think I've gone over an hour
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    That is not macOS, that's OS X you imbecile!

    Jk I love you, but you still made that mistake
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    @inukinator he said Mac OS, not macOS. So technically he's still correct
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    Still wating to get back my -40minutes of my life!! Yes the progressbar did show a minus sign in front of the update time. Sadly no pic so some will not trust me.
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    @xroad still not the name, maybe if he said Mac's OS
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