
Been getting emails all fucking week like this, even had 4 seperate phone numbers call me up from a private or unknown number, guys, fuck off, please.

Think I need to have a chat to my domain host as to why people are getting my fucking phone number and personal email!

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    I once had a webhoster who linked to my email on the default error pages. It wasn't even a clear ”Contact me“ link, instead a part of the error message was a link. I only found out after a friend accidentally clicked on it and a email window popped up.
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    @7400 well my domain just points to a parked page with no details, so safe to say I'm slightly fucking angry
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    If your domain register doesn’t hide your details it’s easy to identify.

    Some will go as far as to list everything.


    Replace example 😏
  • 2
    Get yourself a whois guard subscription. You can buy it with your domain registrar for 2~4$ per year. Your info won't be publicly available. Saves a lot of spam.

    Also, to get the origin of the spam, if you have a Gmail account there's a trick:

    When registering, use this as your email:


    Replace "myactualemail" with whatever is supposed to come before the "@" and "site" with the domain you're registering on. That way you'll see who leaked your email :p
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    whois yourdomain
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    @FMashiro I think I'll have to, never had this issue with my old site though, lucky the provider is from the same state as me so it's easy to contact them!
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