
> Telegram bot
> Whatsapp bot
> Domino game in terminal (Unfinished from last year)
> Bubble shooter game using c & allegro 5 (Unfinished from last year)
> Android Notability-like app with more features
> Program that increases youtube video views
> Android animal space invaders
> Own website/portfolio
> Our company app (includes daily euro-peso exchange rates, guidelines and other stuff about the company)

ive had other ideas but i started losing them cause i wrote them in several small pieces of paper. starting to think of i'll start to have a notebook dedicated to "ideas"

  • 3
    "program that increases YouTube video views" pretty sure you'll get terminated for that bud
  • 2
    @Dacexi lmao tru tho but would be a grear accomplishment for me if i manage to pull that off
  • 0
    @nickj you can probably just use electron, load the page then reload it like every 3 sec
  • 1
    @Dacexi No, YouTube only counts a view as a view if you really watched the video. Doesn't have to be until the end, but they have some kind of algorithm. Probably on client side, so with a "bit" of reverse engineering you should be able to find the part where the code does the viewcounting and sends an ajax request to the server. From there it should be pretty easy. Don't quote me on that though, I might be wrong.
  • 2
    @wildcard when i was like 13 i would just refresh the page like 100 times and i go ~70 views. I was so happy lol
  • 0
    @Dacexi Yeah, but YouTube evolved since then :P
  • 1
    @wildcard yeah i don't doubt you. Just didn't know if it had gotten changed
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