
End to end encrypted (maybe decentralized?) social network including shit like voice/video/group calls.

Privacy site I'm working on right now.

Yeah that's it for now :)

  • 1
    You should make that social network a collab, I imagine there are people out there who would like to have this and help
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    @Wexalian Yeah thought about that indeed. The thing is that I'd want to be involved as well and I have like no time right now for side projects :/
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    @linuxxx There's always time for another side project :)
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    Cool. Is it something like matrix.org?
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    @JaredDunn The idea is kinda the same but this one is more aimed at being a social network, not just a chatting/collaboration tool :)
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    Sounds a bit like Diaspora?
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    @CodeKill Something like that but i miss the encryption/calling options :)
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    @linuxxx I'm actually doing the same thing right now. Have already done the signaling server as well as a web app. Now pushing a mobile app

    Its all decentralized and encrypted, using webrtc
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    @vertti Would you happen to have a repo? Also, what crypto do you use?
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    @linuxxx I'm not doing open source, sorry. It'll be a service deployed for actual users, not specifically for tech people who wanna deploy their own service.

    I'm not saving any data, communication is all secured by DTLS
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    @vertti Good luck with it then! No offense at all but about every security/privacy person knows its a bad idea to use closed source crypto/privacy applications so get ready for criticism!
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    @linuxxx frankly, I don't do this for the sake of security. It's just an unintended side effect really. My target group couldn't give a rat's ass about security. If I tell them this is secure they will believe me.

    The serious projects I push online for users are almost never open source and never have security as the main focus. But thanks for your advice anyway!

    If I really wanted to prove that it's secure I'd have some organization vet my source code and give it a security rating.
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