Acceptable places to leave your bag when you get in, in the morning:

- Under your desk
- On your desk
- Infront of your locker
- On the back of your chair
- etc.

Unacceptable, is to throw your bag behind you and to the right, so it ends up in the middle of the floor and behind my chair.

Consistent use of this space, and me tripping over it will result in 2 things:

1. I will intentionally run over your bag, back and forth until I am satisfied everything is broken.

2. I will then pickup said bag and throw it, with force, at your head.

  • 9
    😂😂 i was imagining this while reading it good I'd love to do that
  • 9
    Please record. Need to learn proper technique.
  • 0
    All of that can be resolved with simple little conversation.
  • 1
    @gecko maximum failed retry attempts succeeded, proceeding to "2 step plan B", see above for more details
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