My thoughts on how progression goes from top to bottom:

I'm going to use the terms all wrong because I don't know correct terminology but this is just how I make sense of a good workflow in programming.

From top to bottom:
Hard coding
Variablizing (is this a word? I use it to myself)
Abstracting the function
Adding an interface to the abstracted function (another layer of abstraction saves so much effort later)

Testing each step if possible.

Then when I feel a bit of code is good, giving it some more time and more testing then finding bugs I didn't see before and improving things.

If I get tripped up and spend too much time on some issue, I'll just let it sit for a little bit and take a walk or think of something else. The problem is still being worked on subconsciously and when I return after a rest usually is more apparent.

Testing, testing, testing and more testing!

  • 1
    I would go exactly the other way round:

    * Create a test and an interface
    * Code interface implementation until the test runs
    * Change the test if the interface changed (add params for example), then test until test is successful
    * and so on...
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