Taking "Trust me bro" to a whole another level

  • 4
    What the heck is this about aniwaii? Disagree and commit to an office return? Wut?
  • 3
    That doesn't even make sense lol but anyway my attitude is "fine, you want me back at the office? Okay I'll be arriving late, leaving early, taking my full lunch break, and not taking work home with me
  • 7
    It's about time companies admit they have no leverage in this conversation. If they did, they wouldn't be literally begging people to return to the office... what, you're gonna fire half your work force when they are just fine doing their work from home? No you're not... and if you are, waw, good for you, now you're down half your people and they can just find different jobs that will allow them remote work and you'll also look like a dick to the public and investors. Not to mention, every person fired for not being allowed WFH has a small chance of just starting their own company that allows full remote anyway. In short; adapt or die
  • 0
    We need the office for the magical hallway conversations that create new products and services. Or was it in the toilet? Or the water cooler? Anyway just trust me bro.
  • 1
    FAANG can get away with it because they have scores of people queuing up to work for them if half their workforce quit tomorrow. I never would, but I'm in the minority there.

    Other places though are forced to be much more relaxed because they don't have the same luxury. What I think FAANG are missing is the inevitable skill drain that will slowly happen after they implement these policies - but hey, I'm all for that.
  • 0
    I'm 50-50. The pandemic proved productivity didn't go down when working from home.

    But at the same time I saw all colleagues lose connection to those who they didn't work closely with.

    I get why big corps like office attendance. It increases the chances of personal connections between teams.

    And even the banter after meetings - lots of important stuff is said in person, that isn't said online.

    Code talk is handled fine online via github, video chats etc

    But the discussions with others is often lost. Like between devs and designers - office presence helps.
  • 0
    Walking depiction of sunk cost fallacy
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