Who also has some Raspberry Pi's?
& for what are you using yours? πŸ™‚
I use my Raspberry Pi 3 for ownCloud & my Raspberry Pi 2 for PiHole.

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    I want to get a raspi zero / 3 but I have no idea what to use it for
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    automatically watering my chilis :)
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    Pi 3 for RetroPie
    Pi 3 for my remote controlled tank/car
    Pi 3 for weather balloon project
    Pi 3 for our interactive holiday lights display
    Pi 3 just sitting there waiting for project.

    Yeah, I love me some Pi
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    @karmak think of something what would make your life easier ;)
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    @BindView nice I love chilis :D <3
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    @lewdogg Not bad dude :o
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    I have got one, but don't use it, because I have no creativity
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    @GarreauArthur welcome to the rice fields motherfucker
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    @BindView thank you 😊
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    Used it for Instagram data minning (following media likes and comments through time) . After a couple of weeks the program was analyzing 60k+ media per hour.
    Never used the info though. Anybody want it?
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    @Torbuntu Nice :D
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    Dozens of arduinos. 150+ meter of individually addressable leds in my house. Remote fillable bathtub with pexfit solenoid valves and thermostat. Cat door with access control. 2m3 of tilapia fish with 4m3 of aquaponics herbs, and a bsfl composter. Lots of climate & safety sensors. Remote light dimmers. Dishwasher & clothes washer/dryer are server controlled and send status notifications.
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    @Artemix woah, this looks cool. I had a different approach because a water pump would be hard to build into a dorm room haha
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    Send it to me. ;3
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    Im making a chat server in Python for me and my friends to chat on
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    @pilobasualdo can we talk about the project code wise? I am interested in the way you designed that little instacrawling fella
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    @jshrt shure!
    I used the unofficial Instagram Api by Mgp25 on github. Great fun of mgp25 by the way.
    I follow 500 instagramers of which 20 percent are verified.
    So the bot went into each of them and checked if the last media had been uploaded in the last 15mins, of course only a couple of them did, so it recursively checked into their followings as well. If the media was recent it saved the image url and stats. It did that every 3 hours.
    Then a second program checked every hour for changes in amount of likes, comment or views, if so; the new stats were saved.
    (The values are no exact, I changes them depending on the amount of data being analyzed)
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    @Torbuntu will check this out because my rpi 2 has some power unused :D
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    @bittersweet wow nice dude
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    @Akselmo there is a way to run it on x86 emulated but its very slow what I have heard https://eltechs.com/
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    I have the original 2012 Model B Rev. 1!
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    Pi 3 connected to TV, playing never ending loop of random Seinfeld episodes
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    Development server for a Java project of mine :)
    Used it to learn how to use SSH, recently. One of the best things I ever bought :D
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    @TheItalianGuy can i ask what framework you use? i tried jee+apache2 on an older one and it was painfully slow, although it only has 256m of ram
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    I have hooked up mine to a sketchy soldered solution to detect if the door is locked and serves data to an app I've built. Basically because I always forget if I've locked the door after I leave for school or work.

    (there's more to the thumbnail)
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    @BindView I simply use socket programming to handle client-server connections and JDBC for data storage. It's a small scale project that works on a local network only, for now. Sorry I haven't helped!
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    I've built a voice controlled bathroom radio (alexa + assistant) and a retropie for the livingroom.
    next project will be a neuronal network powered sleep-phase alarm clock using android thingsπŸ˜‰
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    @pilobasualdo thank your for the insights!
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    @kb88 wow nice :D
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    @jshrt would you like the code?
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    @pilobasualdo why not, any github repos?
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