
Wanted to reboot my work pc today. I always do that through a terminal and I've got dozens open anyways.

*wants to reboot right away*
*stops at the last possible point to check if I'm not in a server-logged-in terminal*


*silently logs out of prod server*

Well that was god damn close.

  • 11
    Sheeesh don't be that guy :D
  • 23
    If a production server allows anyone to randomly reboot it..u have a security problem...
  • 13
    @billgates Having to execute stuff as root so logging into the root account and forgetting to log out?
  • 44
    @linuxxx Rename the reboot command on the server and replace it with a script that say "NOOOOO!!!!"
  • 3
    molly-guard is your friend.
  • 8
    @Voxera Laughing hard/out loud at a bus stop 😆
  • 3
    @d4ng3r0u5 yessss molly-guard prevents the walk of shame
  • 1
    @linuxxx that was a very good call lol
  • 1
    I know that, entering a command and wondering why it doesnt work.
    Its like searching your mobile whike its in your hand.

    Maybe different zsh-themes could do the trick. 😁
  • 11
    That's why you modify the *sh* prompt to be red, big and visible on production servers.
  • 1
    @linuxxx hm...ok... but 1 week on the job n they what gave u root in prod... Wow
  • 10
    @billgates I'm a linux support engineer, if someone's server fails and root access is required to fix it, then I get root access because how the hell am I supposed to do my job otherwise :). And rephrase that 1 week to 1,5 days ;)
  • 1
    @linuxxx oh but they're even more wow.. Usually there's a hand holding periods
  • 4
    @billgates Oh they're still holding my hand(s) a lot but that's also because I hardly know their internal systems yet so I can't do a lot yet because I just don't know how to :). But learning VIM in the mean time and experimenting around with domains, dnssec, dkim, intrusion detection systems and so on is fun anyways!
  • 4
    @linuxxx that's nice. Most of the time I get: welcome to the team. Here's some (old) setup docs, you need ..., and here's some issues.

    Now go and figure it out... Good luck, don't break anything
  • 1
    @billgates you're so lucky, here on my work (figuratively) they are more like:

    - So, do you know [insert favorite language/framework/technology], right? Good, good, now go to your desk and start to work, you have all these issues to fix, good luck.

    (Ok, isn't so literally, but is so, so, so close to reality)

    There are no docs (besides the shitload of docs to register your activities, and progress), no guides to setup your environment, nothing like that. You must rely on the other devs to get all that stuff done... And they don't have much time for that. I've known guys/a gal that have spent a couple of days trying to understand some of the "Pasta" that some codebases have (believe me, there are more than just spaghetti).

    Anyway, despite that I liked to help to those who "fell" on the project where I was (I'm the last survivor from the original team, and I really like the idea of "sharing the knowledge"), those days are now behind, and there's no need to deal with that... I hope.
  • 0
    @araxhiel uhm I guess you missed "old"...

    What you described is pretty much what I meant....
  • 0
    @billgates uhm where I missed the old? 😅

    If it's about my workplace, well I was transferred from one branch to another (from corporate to a "semi independent" branch), so, I'm still (somewhat) involved on the whole (tedious) process of the corporate IT department, but, I'm more involved on my current workplace.

    The good thing is that I'm the only developer here, and I have some liberties in comparison with my colleagues. The bad thing is that being outside the corporate the paperwork is so incredibly slow... 😱
  • 2
    @fdgram, I worked on a company that had a similar rule. Red for prod, yellow for QA, green for local, white for your own machine's console.
  • 0
    I’ve had lessons similar. Always double-check what you’re doing, even if you’ve done it a million times, when you’re dealing with high-value targets.
  • 1
    @linuxxx maybe a handy tool for you (I haven't used it and I don't know if it's available on fedora) https://askubuntu.com/questions/...
    This simply changes the color scheme of your terminal if you connect to a ssh server
  • 1
    As a Linux sysadmin with 18 years of experience under my belt, I force myself to close all my apps before opening a new xterm and rebooting my desktop. It's a little tedious and OCD, but at least I know what I'm doing when I do it.
  • 3
    @linuxxx wait you use the same password on your work PC and production server? 😀
  • 0
    @LrdShaper ?? He was already logged in.
    On properly configured DEs you don't need root.
    And on most servers (especially if you're the admin) you are root.
  • 0
    @LrdShaper And btw make yourself an avatar. 😉
  • 1
    @LrdShaper Nooo haha, I just always type sudo :P
  • 4
    @LinusCDE he was in a terminal, for him to reboot he'd have to sudo reboot, which would ask for his Linux ID's password in order to continue. If his terminal is logged in to prod using his ID and he did a sudo reboot thinking that terminal is his work PC, it would have only worked if his password in his work PC is same as his prod password. If he's logged in to prod as root or his sudo is NOPASSWD then shame on you @linuxxx 😋
  • 4
    @LinusCDE I tried but I can't find a match for a chubby, curly-haired bastard. Once I'm in shape or I find a matching avatar, whichever comes first, I will create one and tag you
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