
Numbers don't lie is the biggest lie ever.

No context needed (I think?)

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    No context needed.
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    it's just a general sentiment I have.

    Was talking to some guy about how to influence/make changes. And it came down to use numbers because numbers don't lie.

    But I've seen enough about how numbers can be manipulated, skewed and cherry-picked, and just can't agree to that sentiment.

    On the other hand. I didn't have the energy to debate it.
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    @unreal-jase fuck off, no context here!

    Welcome back Jase
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    numbers always lie because idiotic "manager" types just make shit up

    "we've helped 10000 customers" (was really 5000 but they rounded up to the nearest fucking 5000)

    "we have millions of product usage" (was only 5 minutes per user but the did some contrived 5 minute squared bullshit times madeup users, etc etc etc)

    its bullshit all the way down
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    I disdain the formulation.

    We don't make numbers up, we prettify them.

    Same for graphs. Not starting with 0, confusing colors, bit of stretching the Y axis here, bit of larger font in the X axis for confusion, et voila: 25 % loss looks like a small hickup.
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    We made up numbers so this tracks
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    Numbers don't lie, interpretations do.
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    "Statistics is the art of lying with numbers"
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