Couldn't resist making this...

  • 17
    That's the first time I actually laughed about this meme, thank you!
  • 4
    but only a few dozen that counts...
  • 6
    Feel like a shithead for learning angular, everyone is focusing on vue and react now
  • 0
    @Crazed What is so bad about angular ? Not an expert on it yet, but it looks good.
  • 4
    @tiledcode it's just not hyped up as much as the other more hipster frameworks. It'll probably stand the test of time though, so it's not bad.
  • 1
    There are less frameworks out there than there are these stupid memes. Couldn't resist downvoting.
  • 0
    @plusgut just wanted to say the exact same thing
  • 1
    'Me' could definitely be 'Wordpress' here
  • 1
    It's funny because it's true
  • 2
    Vue is that good? 🤔🤔🤔
  • 2
    I would like to point out that React's "MIT" license isn't what you think it is and is in the midst of being tampered with by FB lawyers to still make it patent-y. Though they're publicizing it under the guise of MIT to attract the devs back who dropped it for the very reason of it being patent-y...by the way there's no way any dude would be dumb enough to leave React for Vue. This meme is completely off-base.
  • 1
    C'mon love don't overReact
  • 0
    Vue is key. Vue is life.
  • 0
    LOL! Such truth! This s a very cool mem because I decided to choose vue as well. I found a good team on https://otakoyi.com/technologies/... and I think we are ready to do the project. I hope we will get along and our work will be easy and productive.
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