ghost colleagues. they don't answer texts, you don't even know if they're alive

  • 1
    I'd be happy if couple colleagues that I hate died rbh
  • 7
    The way you handle async communication seems like a personality trait.

    I got colleges who simply cannot discuss any complex problems over Slack and will always abort the chat and say "can we do it in a video meet or at the office?"

    Personally I hear I'm good at discussing complex work issues over chat.

    But if I'm busy I might see a message and think "I'll look it up later and give a full reply" but then forget it. When I should give a quick reply saying "I'll look it up later"

    I'm also petty bad at handling personal messages - if I get something during a work meeting I think I'll handle it later and end up forgetting it.
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    @jiraTicket true someone will ask “how are you” and I’ll reply like 4 days later lmao
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    @jiraTicket our job is very time sensitive, so it's not an option to sit on a text
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    @darksideofyay you work on stock exchange or some other trading platform?
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    @jiraTicket you should create a Jira ticket to review all the pending messages and to-dos
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    @asgs we deal with data for monitoring and control of the operation. if there's a power outage somewhere in the country, we deal with the communication, damage control, that sort of stuff
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    Drives me nuts when colleagues try to have discussions through email instead of Teams/Slack or a call
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