Friend of mine wants to use his old blu ray player as a surround sound amp. Okay, sure it's supposed to have that functionality.

Struggle, struggle, struggle. Then I see on the back, a powered by Java sticker. Guess it's one of those 3 billion devices

  • 2
    All Blu-ray players have the Java logo, because Blu-ray menu's are written in Java.
  • 1
    @novasurp interesting. I did not know that
  • 1
    @TheBeardedOne Bill Gates considered this such a threat to C# that he collaborated with Toshiba to make a knock-off format called HD-DVD, which used C# instead of Java and only had 15 GB space instead of 25 GB space. They paid Dreamworks to exclusively use it until it flopped.
  • 0
    @novasurp Man this industry is wild
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