Why do all the cool things have terrible documentation?
I'm looking at you Gnuradio and OpenCV!
Doxygen doesn't count if you don't actually write doc comments!!

  • 0
    This!!!! So much this comment! Fuck that grinds my gears teethless! ++ for empathic feelings.
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    Fuck GNU Radio's doc sideways ! "Oh you want to make your own python module and want this type of input ? Sure, just call this function here with a (type, int) tupple", that sounds nice, let's give it a go aaaand it doesn't compile because said function doesn't work with that tupple... Dafuq ? Poor documentation is bad, but WRONG documentation !?
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    @Lahsen2016 IIRC Doxygen has great documentation (generated by itself 😀).
    I was referring to how both these libraries have no doc comments (/** */) in their code, therefore Doxygen can't generate any useful docs.
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