2023 will be remembered as the summer i wasted searching for a 🤡 job

still, i'm slowly working towards fuck you money and soon it won't matter

and imagine... they said i don't know redux, when i've been using it before redux toolkit even existed 😂

what a time to be alive

  • 1
    btw @SidTheITGuy - that guy is offering 100K-500K for my SaaS app 😂

    can't wait to hear your reaction, but that's right - i'm the idiot that over complicates everything!

  • 0
    I never even said anything yet ur tagging me :/

    Hey man look, first of all I don't believe the range 100-500K offer, its too large of a range for a person to offer you.

    But lets say its real. If in that case, you're willing to keep your anonymity for 500K USD, USD !!!!, then yeah, ur username selection is correct by including the word "circus".
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