
A: "You write code? Can you fix my computer?"
M: "No, that's not how it works, bud"
A: "Why? It's both computer stuff."
M: *points to the greasy tire shop* "Let's go get your car painted there*
A: "Hell no"
M: "Why? It's both car stuff."


  • 13
    Even though I'm not well versed in computers, I gotta admit I've charged money for my googling skills when people has come to me asking for help. I've charged 20 bucks for fixing some driver issues, 50 for connecting some cables here and there inside a desktop and 10 for installing windows. I wouldn't do it if I had a job, but I'm a broke student so any easy money is welcome.
  • 5
    Eh, fixing computers is easy money.
  • 13
    - "What do you work with?"
    - "I'm a dentist"
    - "So can you do brain surgery?"
  • 0
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