Since some started posting pics of their work machines. Here's mine: an Asus ZenBook 3 deluxe. Nodejs dev.

  • 2
    Wow, the compression is awful. Here's a public link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/zgDxplSdc...
  • 3
    Nice T-Shirt :P
    Which terminal app are you using for windows? I am guessing it is for SSHing? as I only SSH from my Linux VM but imagine the mess having to start a vm just for a simple ssh task ...
    Please don't recommend FileZilla I hate it and its hourly updates .-.
  • 2
    Found a brother with an HTC 10! Awesome!
  • 2
    @gitpush I'm using ConEmu. Using it for everything not just ssh. Just make sure to switch term mode to xterm + appkeys on it when on Linux.
  • 2
    @Mayhem93 thanks bro 😀
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