
Sorry for javascript lovers

  • 16
    JavaScript is the best language
  • 5
    @Lahsen2016 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that's funny ................ But still JavaScript is the best
  • 9
    Javascript is the best anime
  • 2
    @Lahsen2016 I don't know but this makes it funny to say that in this post. (Not really JavaScript fan)
  • 6
    Javascript never feels likes one language to me.
    It has so many quirky and weird features that have nothing to do with each other that it makes me feel it's a bunch of languages connected together with tape and bubblegum.
  • 1
    I just want to know what was in the suitcase in that scene
  • 0
    JS is the shit! 😎
  • 0
    Actually :) op seems to be into history based on his bio. Dude check out where Javascript comes from. We see a c based syntax ({} and stuff) but the reality is other. Js has more to do internally with a lisp like language than it has with c, check it out, you might like it a lot :)
  • 3
    What ain’t no browser I ever heard of. They speak JavaScript in What?

    ... what?!

  • 1
    *cough* typescript though
  • 4
    @sam9669 Read somewhere it's believed to be Marcellus Wallace's soul.. If you recall even the case code was 666
  • 1
    My friend always says to me that C# is the best language...
  • 2
    I vote Nodejs then.
  • 0
    Node is lub
  • 0
    JS and c++ in my ❀️
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