When the new keyboard you ordered arrives at work (it's for at home) and your team lead remarks 'that is a big dildo you got there'. I did fire back by asking him if he was jealous which led to sudden silence. Still disappointed in him, we do rib each other all the time but this feels sexist and inappropriate. I'm used to it and laugh it off but I'd still expected better of him.

  • 9
    He sees keyboards as dildos, someone needs to see a doctor 😒
  • 18
    @gitpush anything's a dildo if you're brave enough.

    Also @gitpush replies to @gitblame. kek
  • 0
    That's gross
  • 1
    @hash-table Even if he is willing to hit on @gitblame, he could have used much better lines like, "Wow, this keyboard looks great. Let me know how it works, I might order one for myself." or "Nice keyboard you got there. Can I try it? Wow, it feels really good."

    Better be nice than cheesy
  • 3
    Poor guy, he is so eager for some dick that he sees dildos everywhere. I mean there's nothing wrong with liking dick, but at least contain yourself at the workplace.
  • 2
    @hash-table I agree. If she laughs or responds with a joke (especially a sexual one) he will think that she likes him. Unless he is like that all the time with everybody.
  • 1
    I should have made it clearer in my post that he didn't see what I received since it's in an unmarked box. It wasn't ordered through the company, we're allowed to have packages arrive here from online stores.

    Also I hope he isn't trying to hit on me because that'd be even more unprofessional, not to mention he's married.
  • 1
    Time to revert the commits
  • 5
    @gitblame ribbing one another is fine but that does cross a line, especially at the office. If you guys were close outside of work and he said that at the bar or something, it would be ok. This feels inappropriate though...
  • 2
    Weird guy... he jokes like that at work, to a person he ( assuming ) isn’t a very good friend of him right now... AFTER being married to someone? 😕😕
    Either it came out very accidentally, in which case he might apologize, unless he he too ashamed...
    Or... I don’t know... he is weird. 😐😶
  • 1
    Btw, how does the idea of confronting him sound? There might have been a possibility that he didn’t really intend or mean it ( sexist part ) 🤔
  • 1
    @Electrux I'm going to leave it be as he is my team lead and otherwise a good guy. If he makes more inappropriate remarks I will say something about it.
  • 0
    @gitblame, you'll need to let him know that it was inappropriate very politely. If it does repeat after your telling him, then there truly is an issue.
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