  • 11
    @Torbuntu someone must have been wise enough to dual-boot him
  • 10
    One thing is sure, he did not use MySQL
  • 12
    Obviously he used MariaDB. He did end up having a bug (pet), at the beginning though...
  • 9
    Are we not going to talk about the sound Wall-E made after he finished charging up?
  • 2
    He home brewed that in, so obviously not. ;)
  • 8
    @Torbuntu I prefer Linux generally, but Linux updates have left my machines crippled far more times that Windows ones.
  • 3
    @Torbuntu Agreed, though separate point altogether. I've honestly only had 1 update on Windows fry my system, and it was when it force updated my windows 7 machine to Windows 10.
  • 1
    Such a longrunner most securely runs on open- or dragonflybsd
  • 3
    Why would he need to be updated? There is no one anymore on Earth and his job was the same for all the time. But he has a very good AI though
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