
currently I'm kinda lost in web dev, particularly WordPress themes. As I'm knew to this stuff, I feel I'm going to the wrong direction.

I don't know how to properly make a website, until know I've been doing it all by hand, but as I stated theming, I started using sass, auto prefixes, minify (js|css) and I'm wrapping all this with GNU make.

I'm certain this seems wrong, but what should I do??

  • 1
    It's just a way of doing things. After all WordPress isn't like the best platform out there for learning stuff about web development.

    AFAIK, there are some projects trying to bring sass and those other things into WP in a manageable way. Google's your friend ;-).
  • 1
    @GodHatesMe so WP actually has a direction :O?
  • 1
    "I'm still your queen, I'm just not a slut. First of her name. Giver of no fucks. The unperturbed. Mother of syntax. Breaker of balls."

    That was uber fucking hilarious.
  • 6
    Ugh, WordPress
  • 5
    @c2wiki thanks 😜
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