
Was trying out Rider IDE from IntelliJ, and all is good until they gave me that warning -.-

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    That's one of the reasons I like the intelliJ platform.

    But yeah.. that's a CSS 2 property
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    @theuser yup so far it is amazing but shameful that they support razor pages while neither vs for Mac or vs code does
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    @Torbuntu I might got for personal license but for sure not for work, here they also don't pay. But I'm willing to spend 100$ a year if it really helps me. but then I remember I'm using Windows, and I can use VS community if I want razor support
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    @Torbuntu if you buy it yourself, you're explicitly allowed to use it at work.
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    @DrEmann @Torbuntu honestly I think their personal license is affordable but only required if one is a freelancer, for example if I was like @AlexDeLarge with all freelancing clients then I'll go with their IDE's for sure, but I want it for personal projects that might and might not give me income, I think license is expensive for playing around and improving skills when there are other free alternatives
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    Have to say it the company is called JetBrains not IntelliJ!!!

    Love their IDEs and Language
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    @needToRoll this is awkward lol I've always thought it was JetBrains IntelliJ and the IDE's are just named after the company but from your comment I am guessing company = Jetbrains, and IDE = IntelliJ
    I feel ashamed :/
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    @matsaki95 okey, didn't know that... thanks for letting me know.

    @GitPush I didn't want you to feel ashamed. It's just that this is a common mistake in my workplace and therefore this is kind of a sensitive subject for me because no one seems to know what I am talking about if I say jetbrains
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    @matsaki95 @needToRoll thanks guys I was ashamed in a bad way but in an awkward way 😅
    I didn't know they were called intellij lol but nice to be updated with info 😀
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    @matsaki95 photoshopped :P
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    @matsaki95 hats off for you 😂
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