
Since there are too many button styles, I made a website to collect them:


Please, flood me with your buttons, let me add them to the wall, I need them, I want them, my precious

  • 1
    If you want to add a button style, feel free to open an issue or pull request at https://github.com/txstc55/...
  • 3
    Is this the part where we wildly start pressing our buttons and masturbate?

    Button Hub xD
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM button hub is a great name, should have thought about that.

    There is a rate limit at which you can press your button though, but the counter is updated in real time
  • 1
    You should stylise that OK button
  • 1
    @asgs there are already too many god damn button styles
  • 1
    Actually pretty cool :)
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded give me your buttons! I need more!
  • 3
    Hey pal, you might want to put a limit on the "clicked+" parameter, or only allow it to increment once at a time or something.
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    @AlgoRythm unfortunately I can’t because I don’t actually have a backend, I will just roll back this.

    I thought about people might do this, but I’m not profiting any more so whatever
  • 0
    isn't that like something that codepen.io did?

    it seems to be rather restricted nowadays tho
  • 0
    @K-ASS You might be able to use a free tier amazon lambda or whatever they're called. For something as small as this it would absolutely work wonderfully. Maybe even set up a free mongoDB data set. There's plenty of options on a budget of zero.
  • 0
    other than that, pretty cool 👍
  • 1
    @thebiochemic most of them are from codepen, and I put the reference link in the files
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    @AlgoRythm I’m using pockethost, which is basically that, but because pocketbase itself does not support restricting the value, there’s nothing I can do atm
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    @AlgoRythm ok it’s actually more complicated then that. So pockethost is a free hosting for pocket base which uses Amazon server. Normally you would host pocketbase on your server so you can access to hooks before making changes, or simply restricting the value on server side. However, because I only have access to the admin dashboard and cannot process the request myself, there’s nothing I can do
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    @K-ASS Aren't you just handling HTTP requests using deno or node or something? Can't you inject logic there to keep it below 2-3 clicks per request? I don't know anything about pockethost.
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    @K-ASS Ah gotcha, I was writing my reply as you were writing yours, which answered my question. I promise not to break your website anymore <3
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    @AlgoRythm no worries, this is also something I’ve been looking into for a while, I think the safest bet might be restricting the headers
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    @IntrusionCM that escalated quickly lol
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    Yoo I love this - this is actually something that could get in the newsletters with some work - very well done - u are always so creative!!
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    @chonky-quiche thx, give me your buttons
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    @K-ASS I wrote a note so I will try to get to it hopefully…
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    @AlgoRythm actually try again? I restricted the headers, but only against postman I guess
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    @K-ASS Restricting against user agent is not even worth it. I mean yes, it doesn't work if I run it exactly as-is, but postman lets you edit the user agent.
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    @AlgoRythm yup, there’s no perfect solution atm unless pocketbase decided to do something, there are issues posted requesting them to add the feature, but again, because the expect you to host the database on your own server and it’s not an issue if you accept request on your server, the developer simply said “I don’t see why this feature is needed”
  • 0
    @K-ASS ah that makes sense ^^
  • 0
    Those are some nasty buttons
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