
I recently got my first job ever as a developer. And I don't know how long the feeling will last; but I have to say it's an awesome feeling to get paid for what you love doing! I hope you guys share this feeling with me

  • 4
    Hopefully you never experiencing the feeling of hating the thing you loved because you have to do shitty code because of the failures of others.
  • 4
    I've been doing it for 9 years now and I still loving going to work. :)
  • 2
    I've only been doing it for three months but I love every day :)
  • 2
    Wow, this summer marks year 9 of my professional career too. There are (of course) times of drudgery, but I still love this job. No regrets.
  • 5
    the best part is having the ability to listen to music while doing it.
  • 4
    This post, perfectly matches my situation, you are right, it's a great feeling.
  • 3
    @Simon, I'm on the same boat. Started last week at my first job and I love it! It's being great so far
  • 2
    Feeling the same for a few weeks now in a professional career - hope this feeling will last forever 😁
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    Many decades and enjoy normal much as day 1 😀
  • 3
    Sometimes I look incredulously at my paycheck. It really is incredible to be paid to do something you enjoy. Other times I look at my next project, the constraints on how I have to do it and how far from how I want to do it they are, and want to stab myself. The better you get at something the more likely you are to have strong opinions about how it should be done and those opinions don't always matter to business. Stay flexible and positive, fledgling!!
  • 1
    It'll be two years in August for me and I still love it. Maybe even more than when I started. Good luck!
  • 0
    Good to hear from my fellow new developers and I'm glad to hear so many of you still have love for what you do!
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