Fucking shit fuck.

I got off work, ranted with the wk rant... and forgot about it.

Typed out a -1000 character ish rant about the fuck of a dependency manglement situation I got myself into in node today. Pure artwork I swear.

>you can’t be posting rants within 2h of the last one.

>okay, that’s fine, I’ll park it and wait.

Switch app out to messenger to chat to my booty.

Switch back, check it’s still there... fucking empty new rant screen 😞

I know iOS have updated their app backgrounding... maybe that was the problem.

Or it’s just user error. FUCK!

I ain’t typing it again. That masterpiece of a rant is gone to the ether.

  • 4
    *hello darkness my old friend*
  • 5
    Hmm, that sucks :/

    iOS 11 background closing is very aggressive. It closes apps very, very quickly.

    Right now the only way to save a rant as a draft is to close the window. We’re going to add a timed save too, but right now it’s safest to just make sure you close the post rant/comment window to explicitly save it.
  • 2
    People threw feces at me when I "attacked" modern mobile operating systems for lack of multitasking (the real one, not this stuff someone from marketing decided to call multitasking). In that particular case it was Android so it's time to do the same for iOS.
  • 1
    @dfox I didn’t come here for solutions! I came here to rant!

    Thanks brother. It’s not y’alls fault, the iOS closing got harsh in the last update, and I switched out without thinking about it.
  • 3
    @pajaja mutitasking is a joke on mobile, you mean multiple touch gestures right?

    Android was just as bad with its Shroedinger’s app bullshit... is it active? Is it inactive but cached? Fucknows, adb logcat and it’ll tell you in there somewhere.
  • 3
    *who can say where the wind blows
    where the road goes
  • 3
    @jamescodesthing with being a ++ I believe you qualify for posting one every hour clause in that error message. Doesn't help with iOS closing the app like it did, but I wanted to remind you of that benefit.
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana see I was just happy with the little ++ next to my name.

    Tbh, I was remembering the throttling from pre-++ so thank you, I appreciate it!

    It’s just the iOS 11 vigorous app handling in the background, nightmare... I have to deal with the same in my apps now.

    I wouldn’t mind a queue for posts in that throttled limit, that would be cool:
    - queued rants:
    - x can be ranted now, are you still fuming?
    - safe, let’s post it then.

    But these guys have enough work on their hands 😊
  • 3
    @jamescodesthing they definitely do!

    I feel like one of the cool kids with the ++ 😂
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana awhhhh yeahhh, one of the gang.
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