Noob question here, I see that every single iOS developer around here is shitting on Xcode, but then I saw this today on my way to download PHPStorm. Anyone tested it? Thoughts?

  • 8
    Jetbrains software is really really really good
  • 2
    I'm pretty sure you still need to have XCode installed. But yeah, as others have said, JetBrains' software is amazing, and so AppCode should be no different. :)
  • 0
    OMG the pun.

    Come on jetbrains, you can do better than that
  • 2
    You need to have Xcode too, but I love to code in AppCode. Both IDEs have their strengths and weaknesses.
  • 0
    @sebkas Oh okay! What kind of weaknesses does AppCode have?
  • 0
    @Drillan767 it's slower at getting current states of variables in debug mode. You cant edit storyboards. And it currently has rare problems with code completion.
  • 0
    Believe me, JetBrains softwares are great only if you have a lot lot lot of RAM. 8GB is not enough for IntelliJ to run smoothly. And forget about AppCode. I tried it every time they had a new major release and then sadly came back to Xcode. Xcode sucks, but AppCode sucks much much more. A hello world project takes forever to build index, and this indexing task just happen every half an hour. The worst IDE ever from JetBrains!
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