Me: "Ugh. Soo insensitive.." *angry muttering*

Curious cousin: "Whom? What? Why?"

Me: "My stupid Mac is not case sensitive so I have to mount a Unix partition and reference it from somewhere else. Why wouldn't they just make a case sensitive filesystem like a proper Unix based OS?"

Clearly uninterested cousin: "seriously?! You called your laptop insensitive? I thought you were talking about a guy" ..

Filthy casuals.

  • 6
    Well computers are considered male mostly so in a way he got what he wishes for just not careful enough to wish wisely and specifically enough. Remember this for your next genie encounter...
  • 3
    Case sensitive journaled encrypted HFS+ isn't a thing anymore?
  • 3
    @ThatDude only the latest two OS versions offer an optional case sensitive FS (the default is case insensitive though)
  • 3
    @Rudi9719, as @Artemix is pointing out they've replaced it with APFS (Apple File System) which offers both case sensitive and insensitive versions. The sensitive one is buggy and backwards incompatible :-/ I don't think I can open files created in APFS in HFS.
  • 1
    @byte-me can you still use Case sensitive HFS+ instead of APFS?
  • 0
    ++ for correct use of "whom"!
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