Interviewed for a company that needed help with an Ecommerce website, after which I was given a take home assignment to create a small web page displaying books from a DB.

The instructions specifically said to write it in any language or even pseudocode... Upon turning in the working solution I was rejected for not picking their current Ecommerce framework.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Clearly they forgot to list "mind reader" in the job description...

  • 3
    @g-m-f Most definitely. The first interview was at a recruiting agency and the interviewer seemed very kind so I continued with the process. Then, upon the second interview at the place of business, I noticed that everyone wore suits and looked like they were zombies 😨 Dodged a bullet for sure...
  • 1
    Seemed like a low-balled trick to see if you'd land on the same "choice" they did with your so-called freedom to choose. Based on your experience, yeah. Bullet dodged for sure.
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