
$ sudo pacman -Syu
"283 updates available"

The only thing I can think of is:

Please, don't break my system.
Please, don't break my system.
Please, don't break my system.
Please, don't break my system.

'$ y' *enter*

*gives me creeping horrors*

  • 2
    thanks for reminding me, I have 21 packages that need updating
  • 3
    283? I sthat like an hour? I remember not sudo pacman - Syu for a week, 2k packages, no fear for anything breaking
  • 2
    I know those feels, thankfully it was just on a VM
  • 3
    For me it 'breaks' one non-vital program every 2 months
    (which can be solved thanks to Search Engines & the great Arch community)

    Never feared about it though, was always more excited about the newest features!
  • 1
    My laptop seems to decide each day randomly whether or not to be able to properly mount /home

    FuXaKe I wish I knew enough about this shit to prevent it from happening. Instead I just keep DriveDroid on my phone and download an Antergos ISO like 5 times a month.

    I wish I was scared shit was gonna all be ruined, only when updates were available. That must feel pretty awesome.
  • 1
    Containerize everything. Then nothing moves until you tell to.
  • 1
    I update every week. Had only one really minor problem so far.
  • 1
    I've learned to commit and push often though as a side effect, so yay.
  • 1
    Thank you for the reminder. I haven't update my desktop PC in like 2 weeks and my laptop in like one month. Time to see those 1000 updates that I have been missing. I heard that the new Plasma update is really cool. 😀
  • 1
    Oh you lil girl
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