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    Did you not post this awhile back?
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    @max19931 nah, but it was fueled by another (or many) threads in here complaining about stackoverflow
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    I don't quite understand criticisms like this.

    Who browses StackOverflow questions in general without filtering and is annoyed by the amount of python?

    For those who actually wanna help or review questions - you obviously filter by the languages you're interested in
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    @jiraTicket well the entire dev community turns around and complains that stackoverflow has become toxic, people are so quick to downvote posts and mark them as duplicates

    this is why
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    @fullstackcircus ok I get it. It's more regarding the meta discussion about SO as a whole, than how you can browse it as an individual user.

    In that case I kind of agree. The problem with SO is many view it as the main platform for getting programming help - when it tries to be highly specific about which kinds of questions it allows. And there are tons of first time posters who ask questions which can't be answered. But some trigger happy crowd sourced moderating has also gone overboard (like when very vaguely related questions are closed and accused of being a duplicate)
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    @jiraTicket my filter is tp exclude windows/python/java/azure/aws. Which Filters out a lot. And that is only on stackoverflow itself, not the other stackexchanges which have similiar problems.
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