
The more interviews and interaction i have with shitheads in this industry the more i want to vomit and shit more times a day!

Today i have an interview with the CEO of a startup company who looks like he's 20 years old!

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    what's wrong with a CEO being 20 years of age? You let your ego speak for yourself, you're gonna stay jobless for a long time.
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    @SidTheITGuy because it's almost certain that it's their parents' money that got them the position and that breeds the most disgusting kinds of shitheads?
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    @msdsk That's the same thing as saying "The boss is a woman, so she must be a bitch."

    You can't make generalizations like that, that's all Im saying.
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    > so she must be a bitch

    Most male bosses are assholes, so I tend to assume that lady bosses are bitches by default.
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    @SidTheITGuy @msdsk just had an interview with him for a devops role, the guy has american clients and i have to work as devops on azure building pipeline. It also turns out i would have to do all of this manually via azure gui! I asked them are they using terraform and they never even heard of that technology before. Even their clients have never heard about it. It appears as if i have learned light years ahead of time advanced technology than they do. I asked the CEO himself whats the next step in this interview process and he laughed saying he has no clue, he doesnt know what questions to ask for a devops position or what task to give but he'll research it and email me back. Lmao these kids have no idea what they're doing

    However to my surprise the CEO (its weird calling a 20 yo a ceo) was pretty chill, i expected some arrogant strict rude or cocky rich kid to talk to me, but he was very understanding and flexible, even offered to come to their office at 3 am to play games
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    @Jabb03 okay u r a dumbass, got it.

    @b2plane Seriously, you don't cringe at yourself when you say things like "I am light years ahead from so and so, they haven't even heard of the tech that I use"...blah blah ??

    It's like you don't even know what the responsibilities of a CEO is. They aren't tech savvy themselves, that's why you were called to interview. Dumbass.

    You sound like you believe that the donkey should be the king of the jungle because they're the ones who work the hardest.
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    He can be a CEO at 20, but can't code jack. You can code/build miracles, but can't be a CEO.

    I can't spot a problem
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    @netikras ill be the ceo
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    @b2plane says the guy who went in an interview himself to get a job.
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    If he's an asshole tell to call his mom because his nappy needs to be changed. Then say, "I'm concluding this edition of Boss Daycare. The fuck out. Byze."
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    > okay u r a dumbass, got it.

    No problem.
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