"Die kak wat mans doen vir poes"

-South African proverb

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    sweet things deserve such efforts
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    Poes ftw
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    @Nanos can't parse your sentence
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    Shit sounds similar to dutch.

    But I thought south Africa was English colony...

    Do they speak some sort of English/dutch hybrid in south Africa, or maybe Afrikaans is influenced by dutch or what gives?

    Not trolling, genuine question.
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    Yep. Afrikaans is a far spread Dutch remainder?
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    @Nanos bookie or bokkie?

    Bookie is the same as state side. Bokkie is a term of endearment. Derived from Springbok
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    @CoreFusionX Yea Afrikaans is pretty much Dutch-lite. Couple of French and German influences. Most of the differences between Afrikaans and Dutch seem to be grammatical. Though I'm certainly no expert.

    We actually have 11 official languages here.

    Most people whose mother tongue is English or Afrikaans will know the other.

    Most people with one of the other languages as their primary will know at least some English.

    Words do tend to hop languages here.

    Like braai. No one calls cooking over coals a bbq here. English, Afrikaans whatever else, we all call it a braai. Hell, my spellcheck sett to South African English doesn't even pick it up as being incorrect.

    Then there's "voetsek" which basically means go away but the sentiment is similar to fuck off but it's not quite as rude.

    Amazing how I use these words all the time but I'm now blanking on examples.
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    @CoreFusionX And yea, it was British colony from 1806 then became a Republic in 1961.

    The Dutch got here in 1652.
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    @Nanos yea that was probably interest. It's one of those things that has to kinda be inferred from context
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    Ah, it was a colony of both Netherlands and Britain.

    Makes sense then. Thanks.
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    @CoreFusionX yea "management" changed hands a few times. Look into the Anglo-Boer war, interesting stuff
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    @Nanos one of those means like "one of them" in a typical way. Specific type
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    @Nanos I dunno. Poor woman had it probably very cold alone in your bed! Bad you!
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