

I know you can override it
I know you know how to make a fancy search module for your websites/tools (Teams, GH, etc.)
I know you think you're soooo hipp and cool by doing so

But for crying out loud, quit being an asshole and stop overriding ctrl+f.

If I want to search for a substring in a page, that means I want to search for a substring IN A FUCKING PAGE, not in just a section of a page you choose.

Fucking asshole!!


right, try searching for a commit message "support kernel"

fucking plonkers

  • 6
    Thats is a small price you pay with your sanity for using something made by Microsoft.
  • 3
    Oh yeah, I hate this crap!
  • 5
    @coldfire sanity is the price you pay to enter FOSS-space
  • 1
    I'm quite sure MS is not only one doing this...for example Discord do the same, but I know it's not cool as blame MS.

    Just tested on GH and I couldn't reproduce, on Teams yes (but it triggers both, browser search + Teams search, on discord triggers only discord search)... Did you ever think that's because they have this annoying trend to not make native apps anymore, but everything is slow and heavy web/electron based? So they share the same code and of course they use Ctrl+f shortcut
  • 1
    @dontbeevil yes, the same conclusion came to my mind too (sharing code).

    I guess you're lucky. For me on Chrome/LMint it inhibits the browser's native Search feature
  • 0
    I would just like to be able to select text on a page.
    Outlook web. Preview pdf attachment. Shows title of PDF at the top. I need a term from that title. Cannot select that text.
    Why? What purpose does that serve?

    For that matter: custom click handlers on links, and then custom-implementing part of the standard interactions.

    'Click on link' - opens in new focused tab. Ok whatever.
    'CMD-click' - opens in new focused tab. Should be background tab. Now I cannot open multiple links quickly, because the new tab has focus.
    'Middle mouse button' - does nothing.

    What's wrong with an `a` element? There's ways to work that even into tables.
  • 0
    @Gazotey could it be that _preview_ is a picture generated from the pdf?
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