
Microsoft added a new feature to windows 10. With the last update i did last week, you are able to put a filter over your screen... I accidentally pressed win+ctrl+c and everything turned into gray. It took me an hour to find the solution... Who the fuck created this hotkey?

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    Creating hotkeys for things that are hardly ever used is plain stupid. Just leave it unbound and let users bind them if they ever need it...
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    That hotkey is bound to be used accidentally .. 2/3rd combination is the most used .. the ctrl+c.
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    @Cyanide "bound to be used..." - I see what you did there.
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    I also know that problem, I play GTA V and press some shit by accidentally. But no the big problem with the Hotkey I pressed, all keys got sticky, so if I press e the explorer opens f was Feedback Center I settings ... And I still don't know how to change
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    @codumke I don't think that's sticky keys it's just the OS registering keydown but no keyup so you need to press it again to trigger the keyup
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    @danny96178 that isn't working sadly, it is a hotkey and on a long way through the settings I turned it off
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    @codumke It's a bug?
    It's a feature?!?
    It's Windows....
    Makes you angry for more than 20 years already
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