I am so tired of fake ass people. Honestly, I think people should start firing more mfs in this industry, that way perfectly capable and hard working people wouldn’t have to be laid off all the time, and the harder and smarter workers can rise to the top and be way more valued. “No of course we don’t have the guts to do something sooo abhorrent as to fire anyone 🤵‍♂️“ - like shut the fuck up you rich ass bitch. I’d be willing to bet my life that your slimy executive ass has done a lot less ethical deeds on ur rise to stardom. There’s no point in rising to the occasion when it’s in vain. I’ll be damned if I put 100% into something that won’t allow me to grow…

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    What if they were just replaced by real ass people
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    By this point I'm considering playing the game. It's a system like any other 🤷
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    @jestdotty I mean we all be playing it but I’m just mad at the inefficiency
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    @chonky-quiche hmmm I don't know if I can

    I knew a machine learning engineer for a bit and the way he behaved he just... Lied to everyone, at work and to his friends, about always being busy when he wasn't... He worked 30 hour weeks maybe but everyone thought 80+ hour weeks. He had a project he had 2 weeks to build, spent 2 years giving his manager excuses. He would always pretend to be anxious to please, always pretend to be working...

    I went to visit him once, he got a call from his boss on a Sunday, took out his desk, laptop and tech, set it all up, had the meeting, pretended to have been working that whole weekend, then packed it away, and we proceeded to go on a 6 hour bike ride while his boss was thinking he was working hard and having technical difficulties lmao

    He would frequently sit in voice chats on discord, where people play music, and compliment them on their music, establishing friendships. Except I was in the car with him during one of these times. He had them on mute
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    Basically, manipulating and schmoozing

    This is too far outside my understanding of people so I can't really explain it. I guess he knew the insecurities of other people and promised to fulfill them, and used some social moves to remain blameless or induce sympathy in people to continue getting away with things

    It's too far away from my understanding of the world so I can't really say. I'm a hard ass, excuses don't work with me. Apparently because of that he ended up telling other people behind my back how I was a horrible or unreasonable person all the time, and I only found this out much later. Ended up losing the whole friend group. I think by complaining about me he also got, again, more leeway from people but also gifts to "cheer him up".

    For example, his boss gave him a bigger bonus when I visited once, as a Christmas gift.

    After I ditched the guy he started complaining to me about how hard his life is, how mean people are to him, etc... Except obviously I didn't bite the bait
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    @jestdotty sounds like he is facing the music and the consequences now, good for that asshole lol. I think there is a fine line between being an asshole and looking out for yourself by playing the social, manipulative, political white-collar game. On the other hand, if you don’t play it, you just get trampled out because your too genuine and people can use that to downsize you and upsize themselves. However, I think it’s important to learn to be genuine in life as a default first and then apply politics where its justifiable for the minimization of chaos and defending against scumbags.
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    @chonky-quiche oh no, he's not facing consequences that's just his normal modus operandi

    Things worked out for him. I think also sometimes companies will give you glowing reviews because they think you'll be too dangerous to fire, so they try to talk you up to everyone else to get rid of you without consequences for themselves

    These are all those types of games people play. Their goals are just something else than the stated ones, and that's what I meant. You can view everything as efficient for their goals, and realize what their actual goals are -- be indispensable, make everyone else's work harder to look better to management, trigger their coworkers to look like a team player by comparison, accept overtime to crowd out all those who don't want to do overtime (especially when they don't actually do any work, but on paper they contribute so much!)

    Their goals are not the software or business goals, but others
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    @jestdotty hopefully that asshole will be forever unemployed until he gets a role in sales or McDonald’s. Hes depriving a role from people who can actually do it legit.
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