
Shitting is getting out hand for me. Last night when i laid in bed to sleep i woke up at 2am because of the urge to take a big shit. Incredible. And so i did. Now today almost 12 hours later i was having lunch and in the middle of eating i had an urge to take another big shit. And so i had to pause the lunchbreak just to take a fat shit. Its getting quite annoying. Why cant i do something or be somewhere without having the urge to shit. Why am i so full of shit. Probably got all this bullshit inside me because of recruiters

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    What do you usually eat?
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    I worked with a guy once who had to shit about 14h/day. No joke.

    He only ate lays stacks and drank Pepsi. He would flip if he had to put anything else in his body. He was 5'2" and maybe 220lbs, built like a sphere. Thin translucent green skin stretched over his bulbous frame.

    You could hear the sound of him crying from his dedicated bathroom at work most of the day.

    Smart kid, didn't take care of himself to the extreme. I wonder if he's still alive.
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    @lungdart wtf 14 hrs a day?? How can anyone live that way
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    @TeachMeCode he wasn't a happy man. More like a very angry troll.
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    @lungdart I would be pissed if I’m chained to the shitter for over half the day, also feel bad for the people who had to put up with his screeches
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