
Has anyone here ever used tinkercad.com? (for simulating Arduino setups, or other circuits)

Where can I find community content for circuits? They make it so easy for their 3D models.. But not for their circuits..

Also, can someone tutor me in the basics of circuits over telegram?

(for those of you whom have never heard of it, I attached an image ^~^)

  • 4
    This comment is more about me subscribing to updates on this topic.

    But from what I gather, it's harder to understand what's going on if you look at the rendering of the devices, rather than an abstract schematic.
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    I think there is a mode for that, but I haven't tinkered with it enough to find it.

    Honestly, IRL I likely wouldn't bother with them. So it's best I don't here either. They have the same suddle visual ques to tell you what is what just like you'd have to learn in IRL.
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    I used to do circuits a lot as a teenager, 100% on paper. What I found most helpful is being able to annotate parts and calculate outcomes on the side.

    I'd take any tool that does this lengthy process for me, and wouldn't mind at all how pretty (or not) it's drawn. Just to be easy to draw and for it to simulate outcomes.
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    where's the fun?
    it's just a simulation.

    you should see the LED when it turns ON and feel the smoke produced by an arduino (o any other microcontroller) while is burning if you do BIG a mistake.

    that's fun.
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    I would've already fried my Arduino (not kidding..) And I'm doing "serious" research. :3
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    I literally searched google for a circuit designer/simulator. It was one of the top results, and it talked about messing with Arduino parts, so I clicked it.
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    try circuits(.)io the simulator was really bad but maybe now is better
    update: nevermind now it' thinkercad
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    Actually, It's the same simulator. It moved. If you go to that website, it askes you to move to tinkercad.

    Edit: Though, not everything has moved yet.
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    Do you still need an tutor?
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    Yes~ but I'm about to leave for a doctor's appointment.
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    My school used that to introduce students to CAD, but for community there wasn't a lot.
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    What about creating a group on telegram? I'm kind of interested on learning some too.
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