
i's reading about Munchausen syndrome.
( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/... )

So what if someone tries to feign Munchausen syndrome itself?

  • 1
    @Alice so if the only symptom you have (or acting as if you have) is that of Munchausen syndrome, then you won't feign any other syndromes as well, so you don't have Munchausen syndrome in the first place.
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    I think that this would highly be contraproductive for a person with Munchausen. Because such a person would have to reveal a psychological disorder which contradicts the Munchhausrn syndrome by definition.
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    @2erXre5 anyways this person has achived what s/he wants, i. e. gaining attention, no matter what disorder s/he pretending tohave. And that suffices to satisfy the definition.
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    @beleg yes, but part of the syndrome is that you want achieve ongoing attention. And once it has been reveiled, the person is not able to do that further because it is known that this is a psychological problem. And at least in the german wiki they say that a Munchhausen person will avoid psychological investigations of any kind...
  • 1
    You don't watch House 🤔
  • 1
    @CurseMeSlowly the last time I watched TV or a movie... aaah, I can't remember
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