I admit i don't like JavaScript... not one bit and mainly because it is not strongly typed. The idea of Typescript is interesting.
Anyways, i decided to jump in and learn Angular... So do you guys have any advice for me?

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    Before doing anything on angular, make sure you know when is the next update of any library/dependency u going to use on your project
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    @shaki Voodoo people (Pendulum remix) started playing in my head when I read this. πŸ˜‚
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    Yeah, jump in and learn Vue.js instead :)
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    @theScientist that's the plan. I might not end up building many apps with it but it is nice to at least be able to work with it if i ever had to (which seems very possible now)
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    @shaki probably the best advice πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
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    @DanijelH I've heard about that one. Is there a point for me to ask which one is better? Lol
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    Js is great even if it isn’t strictly typed.
    If you really want types you can use typed arrays and such.
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    @MrCSharp Well, for me it's not about which one is better but more about the way they work. I always struggled to get along with Angular while the Vue.js concept was simply amazing for me. It's lean and let's you focus directly on implementing stuff. I was coming from NET, C#, JQuery stack. I suggest you read some comparisons about how they stand against each other. Btw. VueJS documentation is among the best I have ever seen.
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    @DanijelH That is good to hear.. I'll into that.
    Thnx for the info ;)
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