@linuxxx’s recent post inspired me to try out linux again and see if I want to use it as my primary OS. My past experience with linux has always been endless fiddling with settings or drivers or whatnot, so I was wondering if you’ve got advice on what level of complexity is appropriate in solutions. E.g. if using the terminal and changing a bunch of config files is normal, or if that is generally unsustainable on the long term.

Thanks, I can’t wait to see how this experiment goes 😄

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    Just play around I'd say!
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    Also you can't tag people in the rants itself 😀
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    @linuxxx 😝 I’m slowly learning...
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    I find it really hard to understand. Why would you use Linux as your primary OS if you have a Mac? If you really like unix then macOS is one of the best experience you can have.
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    @tahnik mostly because my Mac is very old. If I can make the switch to linux then I will be able to upgrade my computer much more for much less money.
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    @tahnik Why would it be hard to understand that maybe some people don't like osx or prefer Linux over it?
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    Which post by the way? :D
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    @linuxxx then they shouldn't buy an expensive machine that is built to run macOS.
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    @thecodewarrior makes sense 👍
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    @tahnik Could want it for the battery? I know some people who literally only have it for that (they run windows on it)
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    @xialady Cracked windows I think haha!
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    @J-2FA Glad to hear that man, thanks for the feedback :D

    @xialady oh god, I'm a graphical thinker and that sentence bundled with my old math teacher... shoot me now!
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    @xialady Awhhhh hahaha 😊
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    @thecodewarrior Exactly... I have insalled Linux Mint over 15 times..y last rant is that I am done with Linux...but... God damn it! Linux is really better than Windows...not in everything but it is...In second case Linux experiences give you a lot... on CISCO page is little course for Linux commands... but you need spwnd a lot of time with it...and BACKUP!!! Am I right @linuxxx ?
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    @naktop3031 Backups are always good, no matter what system!

    A lot of time with it - well, if you mean for learning, I knew all basic terminal commands out of my head within the hour after installing it for the first time so yeah 😅
  • 0
    What @Torbuntu says
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