I worked with a client, last year, over an app that I didn't think much of, and kept making YouTube videos after our contract ended. Two months ago, I got an idea of making an app for my channel and posted a roadmap video on it.

The client saw that video today, and sent me an email with legal threats, saying I can't do that according to our employment agreement. So, I deleted the videos. All good, no hard feelings. Good ol' Capitalism baby!

But then, I started overthinking about it and it made sense why most high level devs don't post tutorial content anymore and they make videos like "Day In the Life" or "Reality of programming" blah blah.

Maybe they're afraid too that they will get their channel terminated or their life would go to waste?

  • 3
    Sounds plausible
  • 6
    At my company they "highly recommend" getting permission from legal before doing any content creation.

    I imagine most bigger names are the same way.
  • 0
    @jestdotty I don't even understand the story

    You're surprising no one. Literally.
  • 0
    @ostream are you a boat hermit? 🦀🦀
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