
3 months project:
- deadline changed to 2 months
- specs delayed by 1 month

Now a 1 month project...
Started one month earlier so I could achieve something...

Now, 23 days to deadline: here, take this 20 page PDF with 200 questions ( witch can be drastically reduced) to make the new form section (2nd section out of 6).

Me: OK, but it could be nice to have everything at once so I could design it accordingly , I can see questions here that are repetitive , it would spare me a lot of work if I could see the big picture.

she: Just put those (200 f#cking questions) on and show me so I can see if its good and deliver the rest based on it.

OK, fuck it I'm just let hibernate create all the fucking tables and I figured out where to get all the questions she wants anyway... there are 7 categories with repeated questions...(about 150)...

Just wonder what's so hard to do her job... she had 3 months to do it and I only have 1...

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