
After spending around 8+ hours on an Adobe After Effects project (which I obviously didn't save), at around 12 at night, it crashed.

I lost everything. Was heartbroken. Died inside. Nearly cried. Then I restarted the app and started from scratch.

The weird thing is I recreated the entire thing in around 1.5 hours. Not sure if I'm happy or sad with myself.

  • 2
    Theres tools for adobe products that literally press ctrl+s in a pre-set time interval to prevent that, you really should give those a try, I did my own for vegas pro as its even more crashy than adobe.
  • 2
    Go get your bird by the way, added you enough ++ 😉
  • 1
    @console @JoshBent AE has autosave inbuilt. But you gotta save it first for it to autosave. 😁

    And thanks for the ++s!
  • 1
    @jdunla Haha yeah. I kinda knew what I had to do and what values to put. Its faster when you don't have to figure things on the go.
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