
Right after high school, I was looking for an internship. I mailed my cv to a bunch of local companies and got quite a few responses. Two of the companies invited me for an interview.

The first one was a somewhat big company and they would have had me working on some angular web app. The other one on the other hand was a small team of 6 people, 2 of which were the bosses.

It was one of the nicest interviews I could have ever imagined. We just sat down and talked about what kind of programming experience I already had and what I wanted to learn.

They hired me right away. The internship was just 6 weeks and after that my studies in computer science were gonna start. They offered me a part time position with flexible hours and I gladly agreed.

I've been working at that company for over a year now and it couldn't be going better.

  • 8
    Awesome to hear man! Sounds like you have life by the balls.
  • 2
    Very thrilled to read this as I am in a similar situation. What would you say helped you get the responses, like did you describe any projects you had worked on?
  • 1
    I wrote about how I wanted to learn and get some work experience. I also linked my github and wrote about what kind of programming knowledge I already had.
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